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W_UP Tour: Waste Upcycling Tour, a mobility scheme to raise people up, make them aware of waste management and upcycling issues and create a positive impact in local communities on this topic.

Upcycling means turning discarded things into something new, usable, useful and beautiful. It’s an improved form of recycling that gives new life to the unused things, giving them a new purpose and a much better quality.

The environmental benefits of upcycling are huge, aside from reducing considerably the volume of waste being sent to landfill each year, it especially reduces the need for production using new or raw materials which means a reduction in air pollution, water pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and often a conservation of global resources.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them

Albert Einstein


  • Training Course on Waste Upcycling, social entrepreneurship and Non-formal education in Spain especially to training on waste upcycling methods and technical aspects; 
  • The W_UP tour will be implemented in each partner country and the Tour will last 14 days. Each country is matched with a country from the other continent
  • During the trip the participants will discover the local context on waste management 
  • together with local community and stakeholders dealing with it
  • In the last days of the W_UP Tour a dissemination event with local authorities and relevant stakeholders will be organized to present the outcomes of the mobility and raise awareness in the local communities. 
  • After each W_UP Tour, there will be a local workshop on waste upcycling run by each partner organisation with the help of a local expert.


  • The aim of the project is to create a mobility scheme, labelled W_UP Tour, to support young people and non-profit organisations to develop entrepreneurial activities on waste upcycling both in Europe and in Asia.
  • Offering quality-learning experiences to international participants; raising awareness at international and local level on waste issues; financially support non-profit organisations and local communities through social entrepreneurship; 
  • Help the local community to better manage the waste.

All partners involved are expected to acquire skills in the environmental sector and to use non-formal learning competencies for creating W_UP tours within their volunteering opportunities. Moreover, they are willing to exchange tools and good practices on non-formal learning, social entrepreneurship and waste-upcycling methods.

The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.

Robert Swan


No Borders is an Italian association born from the desire of a group of young people to develop their ideas. The young people involved in this reality are people with different experiences at the international level and in project management.
The association develops projects in which young people can improve their skills and acquire competencies.
XERACION VALENCIA is a non-profit youth cultural association created in Gandia (Valencia, Spain) in February 2014 by an enthusiastic group of youth who decided to quit their regular jobs in order to follow their ideals and get out of the current working system which was not fulfilling thie personal goals.
Cambodian Youth Action brings young people from different cultures together to live, share and discuss global issues, with the purpose of personal growth, social engagement, and sustainable development.
RUCHI is a non-political, non-profit organisation committed to the development of rural India. It was registered under The Societies Registration Act of 1860 in 1983, and its headquarters are now located at Bandh, a small village in the Himalayan foothills of Himachal Pradesh State, Northern India. RUCHI is now working in over 100 villages in the steep mountainous terrain of the Sirmour and Solan districts.
Precious Plastic La Safor is a non-profit organization located in Gandía. Their goal is to make people aware of the importance of a change in the current production and consumption systems towards a circular economy model. They have mobile plastic recycling machines that allow us to make very dynamic and participatory workshops with a great impact on the attendees.
Association from Labin, Croatia which works in the field of youth information, mobility of young people and social entrepreneurship.

Comments (1)

[…] W_UP Tour: Waste Upcycling Tour, a mobility scheme to raise people up, make them aware of waste management and upcycling issues, and create a positive impact in local communities on this topic. Upcycling means turning discarded things into something new, usable, useful and beautiful. It’s an improved form of recycling that gives new life to the unused things, giving them a new purpose and a much better quality. The environmental benefits of upcycling are huge, aside from reducing considerably the volume of waste being sent to landfill each year, it especially reduces the need for production using new or raw materials which means a reduction in air pollution, water pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and often a conservation of global resources. […]

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